Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thing 2--Done!

Actually, I find I had already done most of Thing 2 before I even knew it. I liked the video--he sure has a lot of enthusiam for a guy with no ears!! :>)

At first I had trouble with the whole "2.0" thing; Web and Library both. I wanted it to be a concrete thing, instead of a squashy, evolving protoplasmic mass. But I see now that a concrete description of a changing entity isn't possible. By the time you describe it, it has morphed into something else. But at least I'm comfortable with the concept now.

Why am I doing 23 things? Partly so I can play on work time and not get into trouble! But mostly so I don't feel like the world is leaving me behind--or at least not quite so much. I'm 57 years old, and remember having a party-line telephone, and black-and-white TV with 2 channels, and having to go outside and physically rotate the two-story antenna mast to change channels. I had a semester of slide-rule class in college. My mother still has a dial phone on the wall, with the 50-foot tangled cord leading to the handset. I love her, but I don't want to BE her. So I'm trying to keep up, at least a little bit. I'm mostly looking forward to just knowing what people are talking about. I don't know how useful a lot of it will be to me, but I want to be open to the possibilities that are there for me.

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