Friday, February 13, 2009

Thing 4 done -- Finally!

Wow, it's been so long since I did anything with this! I took about a week and a half off, and since I got back I've just been trying to catch up on work. No time for fun stuff like 23 Things! But now I feel like playing for a while. (He says, like that isn't always the case!)

OK, I watched the cute little video about RSS, and really liked it. Un-technical and easy to understand. I added some of the other 23 Thingers' blogs to my list, along with a couple of English Country Dance sites. One thing I don't really understand is why it matters whether or not a site has the RSS symbol on it. If it doesn't, you just copy and paste the URL and add it to your subscription list. So why do you care if it's there or not?

The transition from Thing 3 to Thing 4 was good; first you learn how to search for blogs, and then you have a reason to do so. That's pretty cool.

This is going to be a short post; I need to make some progress toward Thing 5, so I'm going to go and start that. And I really want to get to some of the photo Things! I have some pretty good shots of things I'd like to share. Onward!! (Into the Valley of Death rode the 23 Thingers!)

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